Medical Acupuncture
With the use of fine needles, this short treatment can be very effective for conditions such as tension headaches, tennis/golfers elbow and chronic pain. This can be provided as a stand alone treatment or incorporated into one of our other massage services.
Medical Acupuncture can help reduce pain and muscular tension also promoting relaxation.
Medical acupuncture is a therapeutic technique that involves inserting fine needles into the soft tissues across the body, to encourage healing and pain relief. It is often referred to as ‘western acupuncture’, this practise differs from the ancient Chinese practice it derives from. It acts mainly by stimulating the nervous system and is used mainly to treat muscular pain and trigger points through the soft tissues.
Back Your Body specialises in medical acupuncture at their clinic in Sidcup - clients seeking this holistic therapy frequently suffer from tension headaches and chronic pain. We are able to offer this service as a stand alone treatment or we can incorporate it into another massage service.
What are the benefits to the employer of workplace massage?• Improves productivity and efficiency. Providing 15 minutes of chair massage reduces stress, anxiety and muscular tension improving concentration, energy levels and rejuvenates the mind. • Reduced absenteeism, workplace massage can prevent employees taking sick leave due to muscular pain, stress and anxiety • Improved morale, your employees will feel appreciated and their wellbeing is of priority to your company.
What are the benefits to the employee of workplace massage?• Reduction of stress and anxiety • Increased energy levels, which can improve concentration and productivity. • Relieves muscle tension and pain and improves quality of sleep • Chair massage makes it more accessible to employees and eliminates the need to travel for treatment • Massage is performed through clothing, ensuring no one feels uncomfortable getting undressed
How long are the sessions?We recommend a minimum of 15 minutes per person depending on number of employees, we can tailor packages to suit the employer’s needs. If there are over 12 employees we would advise to book a morning or afternoon session. We recommend once to twice a month depending on the number of employees.
What will the employer need to provide?All we require from the employer is a breakaway space or dedicated room.
What are the legal requirements?We are fully qualified and insured, all our therapists are members of a professional organisation and first aid trained. We provide copies of the above and complete a risk assessment for each employer.
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